Monday, May 28, 2007

A very busy firefighting week.

Well, this week the American firefighters for Christ were over in Northern Ireland. Rick had a busy week being involved in most things at night. I spent some time up with Granny and Granda Allen, where Granny and Reuben and I went swimming...he loved it!

I went to a cookery demonstration at the FFFC centre on Thursday night and sampled an amazing recipe which I am going to try out tonight! Leek and Goats cheese tartlet with parma ham and carrot chips. I'll let you know how that goes!

Saturday morning we all went to FFFC breakfast in Rockmount golf club and had a lovely big fry up! John White spoke and was very interesting. Saturday evening was the celebration event in Lisburn at Kingdom Life Faith Centre. Rick and Stew were taking the worship and it was again a very good evening (even though it was pretty late!)

Sunday morning TLC hosted the firefighters. They took the service and it was brilliant to have over 90 people attending church in the scout hall (check out Over the week more than 5 people were saved!

It was a really good week although we are all very tired (including Reuben). Met some really great guys, look out California we'll be coming soon (hopefully).
On that note Mum Reuben and I are going to New York in 5 weeks to visit my auntie cool is that! Poor rick, everybody say awwwwwwwwww

Must go and give this recipe a go!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Solid food, and solid nappies....mmmmm

So at 4months old our starvo son has started solid food (kind of). Its that baby rice stuff that smells stinking and looks no more solid than a glass of water!
anyway, on saturday we went into Belfast and got Reuben a new high chair. Its sill a bit big for him so he needs a pillow. Also got him food and wipe clean bibs (very useful, although the food now drips off the end of it onto the floor).

here are some pics of Reubens first ever spoon feed... (and it worked, he's back to sleeping all night again!)

Yesterday Rick was sailing so I went down to mums where Reuben experienced another new high chair and his second feed. This was slightly more successful!

Finally Katie is mobile again...I have a car woo hoo! It was mum and dads old Primera but it will get me from A to B! Rick also likes it because it is Red!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Well this past week has seemed to be pretty busy although I can't specifically say what we did.
Last Saturday was spent getting organised for Reuben's dedication and then Sunday was his dedication so it was pretty hectic. Great service and it was great to have so many friends and family members come and support us! It was a lovely day although we were shattered afterwards!

This incoming week Firefighters from USA are over and so there are lots of different events nearly every night next week but I am looking forward to it! should be good. For anyone who would like to...USA and NI Firefighters for Christ are taking Thriving Life Church service next week. Should be interesting so come along if you are free. 27th May at 10:30am ards scout hall.

Reuben and I had fun last Sunday after all the dedication stuff was are some cute pics.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Katie and Rick, learning how to sink!!

we have had a lovely bank holiday and days before! Rick was off Thur, Fri, Today and tomorrow which is great (even though he does have to work the weekend!).
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Friday Lindsay and Lilian came down to Greyabbey and Rick and I went sailing (my first time ever). I got into my wetsuit and was all geared up while Granny & Granda looked after Reuben. It was all going very well, until we noticed that the rear end of the boat was under water. Now I knew I had put on a wee bit of weight since being pregnant but not enough to sink a boat. It turned out that a bung wasn't fitted properly and I ended up swimming while pushing a boat back onto the slip! I have to admit it frightened me a bit but not enough to put me off. Once the water was drained Rick adn Lindsay had a great sail. Needless to say I left sailing that day...

Saturday night stew was playing a battle of the bands gig at the washbasin and rick was playing guitar for him. I snuck out to watch them play. They were very good although I had to endure a couple of ear bashings beforehand... .

Bank holiday Monday and rick, reuben, me, mum and dad all headed up to the port for a walk. It was rather refreshing, it was all geared up for NW200 next week. Very pleasant.

Tomorrow we hope to take reuben to Lisburn swimming pool. Hopefully pics to follow.
Reuben got his injections on Friday but thankfully has been back to his little self again...